While relaxing in the arms of my very handsome reading chair, I got the notion to fix up my blog. I cropped my favorite wallpaper from VladStudio for the images involved- hopefully the credit blurb in the sidebar will save me from nasty lawsuits. We'll see how long I can handle the lack of blue in the color scheme.
This wasn't entirely what I meant to spend my afternoon doing... but it is pretty spiffy looking, if I do say so myself. And hey, I'm on break! Anything I meant to get done today can get done tomorrow (or sometime in the next few weeks) right?
Also, The Thirteenth Tale was an utterly fabulous book. Spectacularly lyrical descriptions. Now I'm on to A Thousand Splendid Suns, and I borrowed Stardust and The Poe Shadow from a friend last night. I'm also working on re-reading Reading Lolita in Tehran. I'm all set for my Annual Recreational Reading Christmas Break Marathon. Anyone else been reading anything interesting lately?
Finally, for your enjoyment:After accepting the friend requests of friends' moms, adult relatives, and parish acquaintances, I have admitted the ineffectiveness of my no-adult-facebook-friends rule. I am swimming against the tide, people. Therefore, I have gone over to the dark side: I friended my mom.
4 hours ago