Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ho hum

  • I LOVE using the Google shared items system, but gosh I wish they had a comments feature. However, I really like being able to easily share things I find around the net that interest me, so I will stick with it for now.
  • I finally went down to the basement today to start going through things I brought home from school. I'd forgotten how much I love the sense of accomplishment that comes after plowing through a box of junk and throwing it all out. The plan is to be able to move back to school in my little car- previously that task has required a van. I'm excited for less stuff.
  • A week and a half of internships left. What. The. Hell?
  • Plus a week in Destin and a few days off with my family. Yay vacation!
  • After this summer, I don't think I'll be able to go back to not reading the news daily. Yes, that's right, my jobs are that cool- my first hour every day is dedicated to BBC and the NYT. And FP Passport (best blog ever).
  • JC told me I asked him a good question in our intern Q&A session this week. I don't care what anyone says, this dude rocks (and not just because he boosted my self esteem).
That's all, folks.